I have been offering channellings since 1996. I am grateful and happy to do this service as a medium and “cosmic interpreter” in cooperation with the Ascended Masters & Archangels!
During a channelling every question – of course also very individual ones – and every request is wrapped in the wisdom, love and understanding of the Ascended Masters & Archangels, and thus illuminated and answered. Many things in life become easier and clearer afterwards. The personal energy is realigned to one’s own higher level of consciousness.
Individual Channelling
Individual channelling on any topic which is close to your heart is possible in my Practice or on the phone by appointment.
- 30 minutes: 72 €
- 45 minutes: 108 €
- 60 minutes: 144 €
I look forward to exchanging information prior to the appointment! Contact→
Annual Channelling
Immerse yourself in the infinite love and safety of the Ascended Masters & Archangels. Let yourself be uplifted and aligned with your highest potential. Receive healing* and blessings for your journey on earth for the upcoming year. Tune yourself into the energy of the year and find out what will be important to you.
I am happy to be able to offer this channelling service on behalf of the Ascended Masters & Archangels. It always touches me deeply and anew to directly feel how each of us is completely and lovingly guided as soon as we open ourselves up to it – miracles can happen…
As usual, it is also possible to receive a personalized channelling by phone or via video. You can arrange your desired appointment with me by phone or e-mail.
Ascended Masters & Archangels
- give answers to your questions about all areas of life (if you ask the question in silence – then you will receive the answer in a way you can understand it),
- help you to recognize what is important for you this year,
- give healing* and strengthen you on your heart`s path.
- give you important tips for developing your full potential in the New Year.
… also as a gift for yourself or someone you care about…. (voucher) Order→
Especially for the Current Shift
Archangels & Ascended Masters answer your questions lovingly and clearly and provide support for the time of change:
- What is personally arising for me with the ascension of the earth?
- What is the best way to overcome difficulties?
- You will receive help in dealing with the current social changes.
- You will be supported in releasing unconscious resistances and illusions that prevent you from experiencing joy and abundance.
- How can I remain stable in these challenging times?
Channelling Evening
During a group channelling in the evening, you can ask your questions to the Archangels and Ascended Masters, who come and work through me as a channel medium and will be there for the group.
It is also helpful to be present in silence and to allow the messages from the spiritual world as well as their healing* and stabilizing energy to work within you.
You can also arrange an individual channelling appointment with me, if you can´t or do not wish to participate in the evening, but still have something close to your heart or something urgent.
Fee: 40 € (1.5 hours) / 53 € (2 hours)