Seminars & Workshops
Reiki Seminars, 1st, 2nd and Master/Teacher Level take place regularly.
What you will find with me are solid and thorough trainings and advanced trainings, complete and well-founded initiations in the tradition of Mikao Usui: solid, powerful, in love and from all my heart!
What you will not find with me: abbreviated initiations, internet initiations and quick “bargains”.
Meditation-Cycle with Ascended Masters & Archangels
In this seminar you can experience deep spiritual healing* on 4 evenings and make great progress in all aspects of your life.
The seminar is designed so that you can experience the common aim of all people, FREEDOM. All it takes is your willingness, your YES!
- Clearing
- Releasing
- Trust
- Devotion
If one of these topics appeals to you, the seminar is suitable for you. That’s all you need!
Fee: 160 €
Please ask for the next date.
Wildflower essences mini-workshop
For all those who love the natural healing power of plants and are open to NEW ways of healing*.
- Healing* meditations with indigenous and powerful wild flower essences
- Creative use of wild flower essences
- Deepening and further application examples and possibilities
- Answering personal questions
You can easily take part in the mini-workshop, regardless of whether you have experience with flower essences or not (yet).
Fee: 40 €
Please ask for the next date.
Info →
I look forward to seeing you!