Meditation Poem for Peace
by Lady Nada
A cup of peace awaits me
in my inner being.
I connect with it,
and I am free,
to live and love myself completely.
Trust is my basis,
Love my power.
And this is how I achieve everything
that I AM.
Om. Om. Om.
channelled through ©Tarala I. Fuchs
You can find more meditation poems in my illustrated practice book “Das befreite Herz. Meditationsgedichte für die Neue Zeit”
Meditation is an essential and enriching part of life.
Meditation – both in its active and silent forms – leads us to the center of our own being.
There we find everything we are looking for: peace, joy and happiness, the keys to abundance of life!
In all my seminars, depending on its focus, we therefore meditate together, more or less. It goes without saying that the seminar is ideologically neutral.
And the good news is: Anyone can participate! You do not need any special requirements.
I regularly offer meditation seminars and evenings.
Meditation-Cycle with Ascended Masters & Archangels
In this seminar you can experience deep spiritual healing* and make great progress in all aspects of your life.
The seminar is designed to experience the common aim, all people have in common: FREEDOM. All it takes is your willingness, your YES!
- Change & Transformation
- Develop Willingness
- Bless & Forgive
- Revelation – Opening up
If one of these topics speaks to you, the seminar is suitable for you. That’s all you need!
4 evenings: 160 €
I have been meditating enthusiastically for many years.
In the course of my advanced trainings, I have intensively experienced both dance and movement meditation as well as silent meditation.
I like to share the treasures of these experiences with other people:
Feel Good & Blossom – Meditation with the Soul
The seminar is suitable for people with and without meditation experience who would like to
- relax into yourself in a safe space,
- get known to different ways of meditating,
- meditate in a small group.
I look forward to seeing you!