Reiki 3rd LEVEL
Professional training
Reiki Master/Teacher Training
A path of awakening in the New Era
A word beforehand:
What you will find with me are solid and thorough trainings, complete and well-founded initiations in the tradition of Mikao Usui: solid, powerful, in love and from all my heart!
What you will not find with me: abbreviated initiations, internet initiations and quick “bargains”.
The 3rd Level is the Master/Teacher Level in the tradition of Mikao Usui. I offer a comprehensive, thorough and high quality Reiki Master/Teacher training in this tradition. It is designed as a 1-year in-service advanced training and has proven itself in this form many times over for years.
This training is suitable for you if you
- have received the 1st and 2nd Level of Reiki in the tradition of Mikao Usui,
- want to explore and experience the fullness of your own potential,
- want to accept yourself as a whole with your light and shadow sides,
- want to make your essence shine,
- want to live Reiki thoroughly and competently, in connection with your existing profession or in your own Practice
Contents in the 1st semester:
- Clarification of personality, self-awareness
- Deepening work with the 1. and 2nd Level
- The basics of verbal communication
- Deepening spiritual knowledge
- Meditation
- Holistic healing*
- Training of your perception
- Work with Ascended Masters & Archangels, channelling
Contents in the 2nd semester:
- Reiki Master Initiation
- Working with clients
- Working with groups
- Leading Reiki Seminars
- Legal situation of the Reiki Master/Teacher
- Consolidation of the contents of the 1st semester
The advanced training is a dynamic process and is always geared to the needs of the participants and current requirements.
I will be happy to provide you with detailed information in person.
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